The Weblate Way
We love localization and libre software enough to build a privacy-respecting localization tool and provide it as copylefted libre software. It all started in 2012.

Looking for a Pootle alternative
…The key feature is full integration with Git. Changes are committed to a local Git branch and easily merged back.
Weblate jarıalaý
…After about a week of development, Weblate is announced; a web-based translation tool with tight Git integration.
Nege Weblate?
Instead of settling with an existing solution, Weblate was made to have:
◦ Git yqpaldastyǵy
◦ Tárjimeshi avtorlyǵy
◦ Handling of several branches
◦ Mátinmán beıneleý
◦ Sane merging of translations
◦ Úılesimdilik tekserýleri
Weblate grows and the future is open to new opportunities.
Your Weblate Team

Michal Čihař

Benjamin Alan Jamie

Víťa Válka