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Qupıalylyq Saıasaty

Bul qyzmetti usynýǵa qajetti zańdy qujattar. Qyzmet Kórsetý Sharttary týraly aǵylshyn tilindegi qujat resmı bolyp tabylady, tárjimeleri sizge yńǵaıly bolý úshin ǵana beriledi.

Aǵylshyn nusqasyn qaraý

GDPR dep te atalatyn Derekterdi Qorǵaýdyń Jalpy Reglamentin, № 679/2016 Erejesi, ustanamyz. Bul qujat qajetti erekshelikterdi qamtıdy.

Derbes Derekterdi Basqarýshy (Personal Data Controller)

Ing. Michal Čihař, Nábřežní 694, 471 54 Cvikov, CZ, Reg. № 04705904

Weblate has appointed a data protection officer who may be reached via privacy@weblate.org.

Personal Data processed by Weblate

Weblate only processes Personal Data the User provides by using it:

Name and e-mail address
These are used to identify you in the VCS commits.
Additionally, e-mail is used for notification of watched events.
Paról hesh pishininde
Used to authenticate the User, if configured
Passwords are stored hashed using Argon2.
IP-mekenjaı jane sholǵysh ataýy
These are logged in case of important changes to your account (e.g. a password change) to allow diagnosis in case your account is stolen.
Billing info
Necessary details to issue an invoice is collected when purchasing a service from us.

Derbes Derekterdi óńdep shyǵarýdyń maqsaty men zańdy negizderi

Sizdiń Derbes Derekterińiz Qyzmettiń myna maqsattary úshin paıdalanylady:

  • osy Qyzmet boıynsha qyzmetterimizdi jetkizýge, qyzmetterimizge qatysty máseleler týraly baılanysý (e-poshta arqyly jáne habar almasýmen) jáne kelisimsharttyq nemese aldyn-ala kelisimsharttyq mindettemelerdi oryndaýǵaarnalǵan qyzmetterimizdiń tehnıkalyq múmkindikterin qamtamasyz etý úshin (GDPR-dyń 6-baby (1) b.)
  • bizdiń qyzmetterimizdi paıdalanýyńyzdy taldaý jáne qyzmetterimizdi jaqsartý úshin (GDPR-dyń 6-baby (1) b jáne f.)
  • ózińizdiń kelisimińizdi bildirip nemese nusqaýlaryńyz boıynsha, iskerlik qyzmetimizdi júzege asyrý úshin nemese sizge jańalyq hattar jiberý úshin (GDPR-dyń 6-baby (1) a.)

Derbes Derekterge qatynaý

The Controller has made all reasonable technical means to protect the Personal Data. Only authorized persons can access the Personal Data.

Qajet kezde Derbes Derekterge qatynaýǵa qoljetkize alatyn úshinshi jaqtar:

  • Qyzmetti tehnıkalyq qamtamasyz etý úshin kelisimshart jasasqan tulǵalar.
  • If you purchase a service from us, a payment processor gets essential access to your Personal Data, limited to the bare minimum needed to process your payment.

Barlyq Derbes Derekter Eýropalyq Odaqta saqtalady.

Disclosure of the Personal Data

The Personal Data might be disclosed to third parties in limited circumstances when the Controller has a good faith belief it is required by law, such as under a subpoena or other judicial or administrative order.

In case the Controller is required by law to disclose the Personal Data, an attempt will be made to provide the User with prior notice by e-mail (unless the Controller is prohibited, or it would be futile) that a request for the Personal Data has been made to allow the User to object to the disclosure. If the User does not challenge the disclosure request, the Controller may be legally required to turn over the Personal Data.

Derbes Derekterdi saqtaý

The Personal Data is stored in the Service until the User deletes their account on the service.

Access log info might be collected for a longer period for the purpose of establishing, exercising or defending legal claims.

Sizdiń quqyqtaryńyz

The User provides use of Personal Data voluntarily. Without this Personal Data Weblate is not able to provide our services.

Ózińizdiń Derbes Derekterińizdi árqashan basqaryp otyrýyńyzdy qalaımyz. Osy maqsatta, ol úshin ruqsat etetin aıqyndalǵan quqyqtaryńyz bar. Belgili bir jaǵdaılarda siz:

  • Gain access to all your Personal Data that Weblate uses or processes, and even get a copy of all of it (Article 15 GDPR)
  • Correct the Personal Data that Weblate processes if you think that there are mistakes
  • Derbes Derekterińizdi joıýǵa tapsyrys berý
  • Derbes Derekterin óńdep shyǵarýdy shekteý
  • Óńdep shyǵarýǵa qarsy shyǵý
  • Derbes Derekterińizdi ádette paıdalanylatyn jáne mashın oqylatyn pishimde alý nemese osy Derbes Derekterdi basqa jetkizýshige jiberý.

The removal, correction, and retrieval of your Personal Data can be done from the account management, and is fully automated.

Қазақ тілі