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Weblate blog / Objava

19. jun 2017.

Call for Weblate translations

Weblate 2.15 is almost ready (I expect no further code changes), so it's really great time to contribute to it's translations! Weblate 2.15 should be released early next week.

15. mart 2017.

Life of free software project

During last week I've noticed several interesting posts about challenges being free software maintainer. After being active in open source for 16 years I can share much of the feelings I've read and I can also share my dealings with the things.

13. mart 2017.

Weblate users survey

Weblate is growing quite well in last months, but sometimes it's development is really driven by people who complain instead of following some roadmap with higher goals. I think it's time to change it at least a little bit. In order to get broader feedback I've sent out short survey to active project owners in Hosted Weblate week ago.

4. januar 2017.

Seven tools that help us develop Weblate

Weblate probably would not exist (or at least would be much harder to manage) without several services that help us to develop, improve and fix bugs in our code base.

1. decembar 2015.

Time for change

It has been seven years since I've joined SUSE (for second time, but that's different story). As everything has to come to the end, I've decided to make a change in my life and leave safety net of being employed and go for new experience with freelancer life.

11. jun 2015.

Improved social presence for Weblate

Up to recently, the only social presence for Weblate was my Twitter account. It's time to change that.

3. oktobar 2013.

Call for Weblate translations

Weblate, a free web-based translation management system, of course also needs to be translated. Now it's right time to complete translation into your language before Weblate 1.7 will be released.

3. januar 2013.

Free software plans for 2013

Year 2013 has just started and it's time to think how to spend my free time during this year.

14. novembar 2012.

Call for Weblate translations

Weblate is close to 1.3 release (should happen on Friday if nothing urgent appears) and it's quite last chance for translators to catch up.

2. avgust 2012.

Weblate in numbers

About month ago, I wrote that there were over 20000 translations done using Weblate in three months. It looks like I was too pessimistic with future as in slightly more than month l10n.cihar.com has reached 30000 translations.
